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Hood Chronicles

Author & Publisher

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About Hood Chronicles

Hood Chronicles is an African-American author known for his popular Black Love series. He began his writing career while serving a life sentence for murder in prison. As a troubled teen, Hood trafficked weapons, dealed drugs, and was labeled a "menace to society," by local law officials in the state of Georgia. While serving his sentence, Hood spent a lot of his early years in solitary confinement for his violent behavior. Initiating a riot, he was stabbed and given new charges to face. Ultimately, he overcame what he was facing and realized that he could die if he continued treading the path he was on. A six month stint in the hole introduced him to Sidney Sheldon's Master Of the Game novel. Fascinated, Hood wondered if he could ever put together a work of art as such.

This was a moving book because it gave an insight basically showing a young boy becoming a man, turning his life around. Being a arrogant cocky pompous ass, Hood got himself thrown in the streets by his parents at the tender age of 15. Angel was truly an angel in Hood's life. I enjoyed the way that pain and joy could find it's way onto paper when Hood's day was good or bad. I wasn't ready for the ending of "The Hood Within". I wish I could say more but since it's early and I wouldn't want to spoil it for his other readers. Good job Author Hood.

'Am I My Brother's Keeper?' Review

Praise & Reviews

Author Hood you did a phenomenal job writing this book. I enjoyed the ups and down of this book. It kept me wanting to see what the next move would be. The young generation don't understand that the older generation only want the best for them and don't want them going down the wrong road. They still don't listen and have to learn the hard way. Hood was a young man that didn't want to listen and because of that he ended up homeless at an early age. He had to some how find a way to survive in the big world BUT the route he chose would later claim his life. He met a person that he thought was his friend but later became his enemy. Once he met Angel she molded him to be a better person and she helped him get his first shot at being discover. Although he chose to live right and leave his pass behind, His past didn't want to let go. I admire how he took care of his mother and little brother so they wouldn't have to want or ask for help from anyone. The most hurtful part of this book is towards the end. It was a shocker but that goes to show whatever bad choices you make in the present might not affect you now BUT later it the future it will resurface. Hood's poetry throughout the book was magnificent. His little brother Terrance wouldn't let his work go unheard so he did what it took to make his brother's dream come true. * Author Hood Chronicles you really outdid yourself. God Bless you and your pen work.

‘You live and your learn... a Must read’ Review

A story about a young boy becoming a man. Some of the decision he made caused him to be put out in the street by his parents at an early age and he had to defend for himself.. The mistakes he made in life eventually came back to haunt him. He found Angel who was the love of his life. I can truly say she lived up to her name, because it took Angel to come into his life to make him understand there's more to life beside the street....even though he turned his life around there was no way out

'Good book' Review

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